HEERF Grant: A Guide to the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund

The Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) is a Giveabookok federal grant program that provides funding to colleges and universities to help students and staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. The program was created by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act in March 2020 and has been funded by several subsequent acts of legislation.

HEERF grants can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Direct student aid: This includes grants, scholarships, and work-study funding to help students pay for tuition, fees, and other expenses.
  • Student support services: This includes mental health counseling, tutoring, and other services to help students succeed academically and personally.
  • Institutional operating expenses: This includes costs such as utilities, food service, and campus safety.
  • Faculty and staff support: This includes funds to help faculty and staff with expenses such as childcare, transportation, and technology.

HEERF grants are allocated to colleges and universities based on a formula that takes into account the number of students enrolled, the number of Pell Grant recipients, and the institution’s financial resources.

To be eligible for HEERF grants, colleges and universities must meet certain requirements, such as being accredited and offering a certain number of courses in person.

HEERF grants are a valuable resource for colleges and universities as they work to support students and staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. The grants can help to ensure that students have the resources they need to succeed academically and personally, and that institutions can continue to operate safely and efficiently.

Here are some of the key things to know about HEERF grants:

  • HEERF grants are funded by the federal government.
  • HEERF grants can be used for a variety of purposes, including direct student aid, student support services, institutional operating expenses, and faculty and staff support.
  • HEERF grants are allocated to colleges and universities based on a formula that takes into account the number of students enrolled, the number of Pell Grant recipients, and the institution’s financial resources.
  • To be eligible for HEERF grants, colleges and universities must meet certain requirements, such as being accredited and offering a certain number of courses in person.

If you are a student or a staff member at a college or university that has received HEERF grants, you should contact your financial aid office or human resources department to learn more about how to access the funds.

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